Friday, February 19, 2010

They're Dead Jim...


Okay, well it was my partners birthday recently and tonight he is having a party with friends SO I made him some cupcakes instead of one big cake.
I love baking so I tend to end up making the sweets which I always enjoy.

He is a big nerd (as am I) So I made him novelty cupcakes which I know he's going to love!
Here they are.

These took me most of the afternoon, from 2pm to 5pm.

Thursday, February 18, 2010


A cats favorite past time.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Ever wonder why cats find walls so interesting?

This is one of my babies, Lurk.
He's a funny little cat, a bit scared of most things, a definite mummy's boy.

(here's the colour version)

I think cats have some of the most amazing lives, not much seems to get to them.
Lazing around for many hours a day then they go outside in the nice sun and chase bugs around.
Then it's dinner time, then cuddle time then some more lazing around.
I've always wondered what they were thinking, what they would say if they could talk. They seem to see more than we do, ever wonder why cats find walls so fascinating?

Monday, February 15, 2010

:P That is all.

That is all.

(make sure you enlarge it, it will make sense when you do)